Phone: 772-123-4567

I will teach you a myriad of money topics and concepts by giving you daily tips that you can begin using today.

Welcome to Todays Money Matters. My name is Robin Davis and I’d like to tell you what you can expect to learn by using this website. I have been a financial advisor since 1984. Back then, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was at 1200. The maximum income tax bracket was 50%, and CD rates and mortgage rates were in the DOUBLE digits…but things are very different today.

Most of what I know about money I learned through experience over thirty years of helping people like you, through the ups and downs in the market, keeping up with the changing tax laws, and learning estate planning techniques. In a nutshell, showing individuals how to use different investment strategies and tax saving ideas, and how to pass assets to children and grandchildren. Read More...

Here are a few examples of topics I will be discussing:

  • Why needing less income at retirement is a myth.
  • Why you should not put your original signed wills or trusts in the safety deposit box.
  • What you need to know before you choose your pension option.
  • Why you shouldn’t take income from all of your assets once you retire.
  • Why you shouldn’t put your children’s names on your house, or your investment accounts or your bank accounts.
  • How grandparents are inadvertently disinheriting their grandchildren, even if they have named them in a will or a trust.
  • Why naming your trust as owner or beneficiary on certain investment accounts may be a very big mistake.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Believe me when I say that some of this information your advisor doesn’t want you to know. That’s not because it will make him or her look bad (or maybe it will) but mostly because it will make them have to work harder discussing issues with you that you learned from TODAYS MONEY MATTERS!

I look forward to teaching you what I have learned over the past 30 years and sharing my information with you. Remember, you can always send in your own personal questions and we will provide you with the information you need to make the best, informed decisions for your money matters.